On The Run......Serving

God’s Redeeming Love Sister Circle is an online group as well an active group that believes we should become more involved with the community around us by displaying God’s love and sharing words of encouragement.  As Sister, to be there for one another and have true intentions with a pure heart and grow spiritually, physically and mentally through God's Word and our Sisterhood.

 ~Spiritually Based and Heavenly Released~

God's Purpose: "But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." ~ Exodus 9:16

*Below are pictures of Restaurada Por JesusCrísto//Restored For Jesus Christ Women's Ministry as we taught "Beauty For Ashes" and we know that GOD is doing a mighty work in these women be encouraged.

Invitation to Restored For Jesus Christ Women's Ministry
(you can view us online the first 3 Thursday via www.jesusenmicuidad.com)

 Crowns for the Ladies in Waiting to be Free from their Ashes

Mariana, Marisel (her mom) and I
(outside celebrating the glorious night of Beauty For Ashes)

The beautiful women who gave their Ashes for Beauty 


**** Christmas Blessings ****

My daughter Shavon who got the opportunity to go on a
God's Redeeming Love Sister Circle outreach with me

We got the opportunity to add a little something for families who needed some help during he holidays. Though, I'm unemployed God made a way for me to be able to be a blessing. Thanks to my Aunt Helen who donated the bike--we were able to make a little boy very happy. For me giving fills me with joy and I know that it glorifies God hands down!


God placed a young lady in my life by the name of April and she had a 5 yr old son. Looking at her I knew she had a need, but she seemed a bit humble about her situation. I worked for the Health Department in my state, so I was knowledgeable regarding the services available. She asked me how her son could get dental services, so I gave her the information and guided her in the right direction, so she can get that started and when she was done we made an appointment for her son. She had some needs and I made a phone call to a friend of mine to see, if we can get her immediate needs met and off we went to make someone's life a little easier especially when the world looks bleak...it made my heart very happy and couldn't wait to help another person.

That's God's purpose in our lives as Human Beings let alone being a Christian is to encourage and help one another as much as possible and as a Christian to share the Word of God and let everyone know that God loves them and we show that through our actions. April is very grateful for the help we gave her on wonders why I keep her in my thoughts and text her to find out how she and her son are doing....I tell her THAT'S GOD! "HE won't allow you out of my thoughts until you are restored."


After our Back-to-School venture we decided to feed the homeless in downtown Fort Lauderdale. We went down with our brown paper bags ready to make a difference in someone's morning to our surprise it was a two-fold as we took something away from the living and class of the homeless there. We left with our hearts filled and God was glorified in the end.

Paper bags my daughter designed with love to be given out to the homeless.

Homeless Survival Guide and Our God's Redeeming Love Sister Circle
"God Loves You" encouragement card

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