GOD's Temple Mind, Body & Spirit:
Renewing The Covenant Between GOD and Me
2 Kings 23:3 ~ The king stood by the pillar and renewed the covenant in the presence of the Lord—to follow the Lord
and keep his commands, statutes and decrees with all his heart and all
his soul, thus confirming the words of the covenant written in this
book. Then all the people pledged themselves to the covenant.
King Josiah was known as one of the great kings and when it was brought to his attention that GOD's Laws were not being followed he immediately ordered that all pagan practices be torn down and destroyed--he himself stripped himself of things that were not of GOD. Let me ask you: Why do you think this king took such precautions in pleasing GOD?--For one he knew that GOD would destroy the city. If he a king could get rid of and strip himself of things that are not according to GOD's Law why can't we give up things that won't draw us nearer to GOD--I don' know, if you agree, but being closer to GOD is one of the goals I strive for daily--I may not be successful always, but HE grants me another day and I get an opportunity to start again, but King Josiah did not delay--he make sure that all of the people he ruled over would obey the Law GOD had put in place.
So King Josiah after renewing the covenant to GOD he can be able to turn to GOD and seek HIM with All his heart and All his soul only to make it right with GOD. That's what we want to do...Make it right for GOD so that HE could make it right within us and work with us because that's ultimately the covenant GOD has with us...to help us continually be refreshed by HIS promises through the covenant and HIS Laws.
Now, I'm not asking you to go out and throw all your possession and destroy your property, but as we previously read how to get into the presence of GOD:
King Josiah was known as one of the great kings and when it was brought to his attention that GOD's Laws were not being followed he immediately ordered that all pagan practices be torn down and destroyed--he himself stripped himself of things that were not of GOD. Let me ask you: Why do you think this king took such precautions in pleasing GOD?--For one he knew that GOD would destroy the city. If he a king could get rid of and strip himself of things that are not according to GOD's Law why can't we give up things that won't draw us nearer to GOD--I don' know, if you agree, but being closer to GOD is one of the goals I strive for daily--I may not be successful always, but HE grants me another day and I get an opportunity to start again, but King Josiah did not delay--he make sure that all of the people he ruled over would obey the Law GOD had put in place.
So King Josiah after renewing the covenant to GOD he can be able to turn to GOD and seek HIM with All his heart and All his soul only to make it right with GOD. That's what we want to do...Make it right for GOD so that HE could make it right within us and work with us because that's ultimately the covenant GOD has with us...to help us continually be refreshed by HIS promises through the covenant and HIS Laws.
Now, I'm not asking you to go out and throw all your possession and destroy your property, but as we previously read how to get into the presence of GOD:
Goals to be in the Presence of GOD
the morning with praises and thanks to HIM who has given us another morning.
our Bibles prayerfully asking GOD to guide us in HIS will.
HIM daily– throughout the day.
Praying, Praying constantly.
We read in Jeremiah 31:33-34 GOD promises “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
In order to receive what GOD has promised us we need to get rid Ex-boyfriends, sometimes friends and things that deter you from being in the presence or honor of GOD which HE is worthy of. Pray and ask GOD what would HE want you to get rid of in your life that's between you and GOD. Start with the smallest thing on the list GOD has given you and prayerfully take it one day at a time. GOD knows that we are human and we fall short of what we think HE expects from us, but we serve a patient GOD, an all knowing GOD who knows your every thought and intention, so relax it's going to be alright--we just need to tweek the things that draw us away from him...internet, Facebook, texting, television and people--yes people can be a problem especially when you are trying to have time with the LORD. Seeking support among Woman of GOD that will encourage you helps a great deal. I rely on a few woman to pray, encourage, and just talk because we all need to just talk.
We don't have to be a Deconess, Elder, or First Lady the Word says that "...No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. " We just have t0 desire to seek HIM wholeheartedly and there HE will be...OUR GOD is a gentlemen--he opens doors for you when no MAN will...Invite GOD into your space and see where it takes you mind and body.
Once we get our Mind right--then we work on our Body (figuratively speaking) next it's time to move on to the Spirit.
In order to receive what GOD has promised us we need to get rid Ex-boyfriends, sometimes friends and things that deter you from being in the presence or honor of GOD which HE is worthy of. Pray and ask GOD what would HE want you to get rid of in your life that's between you and GOD. Start with the smallest thing on the list GOD has given you and prayerfully take it one day at a time. GOD knows that we are human and we fall short of what we think HE expects from us, but we serve a patient GOD, an all knowing GOD who knows your every thought and intention, so relax it's going to be alright--we just need to tweek the things that draw us away from him...internet, Facebook, texting, television and people--yes people can be a problem especially when you are trying to have time with the LORD. Seeking support among Woman of GOD that will encourage you helps a great deal. I rely on a few woman to pray, encourage, and just talk because we all need to just talk.
We don't have to be a Deconess, Elder, or First Lady the Word says that "...No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. " We just have t0 desire to seek HIM wholeheartedly and there HE will be...OUR GOD is a gentlemen--he opens doors for you when no MAN will...Invite GOD into your space and see where it takes you mind and body.
Once we get our Mind right--then we work on our Body (figuratively speaking) next it's time to move on to the Spirit.
My prayer for you is that you look within yourself and ask yourself what things can I get rid of or sacrifice to make sure that I'm living a life of integrity--ask GOD for HIS strength, wisdom, and Holy Spirit to guide you through the steps to ensure a better covenant with HIM. We know that there are some things that can deter us from you, but we are taking steps to get back to your covenant that you have honored time and time again--you have not failed us nor forsaken us we stand in agreement...In JESUS' precious name....AMEN!
Renew Me (Live) ~ Martha Munizzi