~ The Book of Esther ~
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."
~ Deuteronomy 31:6
When we read the Book of Esther we solely concentrate on Esther and her purpose in the story and the great plan for her life that GOD laid upon her, but when we begin King Xerxes (Ahasuerus depending on what version of the Bible you are reading) is having a banquet to show of his riches and majesty in the kingdom. Now King Xerxes has invited all the people in his provinces to join him in the celebration and it lasted for 180 days and when those days were over he partied an extra seven days (Esther 1:1-6). He has served up the best wine and the best foods to be distributed and about this time he was drunk. Some of us know what it is to have a spouse that gets drunk and it can turn out right in their behavior or it can be embarrassingly frustrating. The king summoned his queen, Vashti to be displayed in the courts, so that he can show off her beauty, but at this point Queen Vashti was having her own celebratory banquet for the women in the royal palace as well (Esther 1:9) Let's step back and do a profile of Queen Vashti as she's not given a background on the type of woman that she was--all we know is that she was a queen cast out of the king's court because she boldly turned down the king's request to be shown off as one of his trophy's. If we were in her head the moment the attendant asked her to come into the king's court in the middle of her banquet she would have probably said something to the effect of "I Exalted Modesty!" By birth I'm a Persian Princess possessing regal bearing. An extraordinary fragile beauty although my husband who reigned from India even unto Ethiopia, over 127 provinces--my self-respect and high character meant more to me than my husbands vast realm." (Esther 1:1) Rather than cater to the vanity and sensuality of drunkards, I courageously sacrificed a kingdom....rather than lower the white banner of womanly modesty I accepted disgrace and dismissal. The only true ruler in that drunken court was ME!--A woman who refused to exhibit myself, even at the kings command." ( Esther 1:19) Though the scripture above was spoken by Moses who was directing it to the Israelites when he was unable to lead them any longer. We must remember that Queen Vashti was a Persian and she does not believe in GOD, but we know that GOD has orchestrated all of creation for HIS perfect plan. Queen Vashti stood her ground--I gather the king thought that she would bow down and do whatever he says, but "looks" are deceiving as they say. Her beauty did not define her as she said she was born into royalty, so if push came to shove she would go back to her kingdom. After all of the hullabaloo the decree stated that all woman would respect their husbands. (Esther 1:20) I know that some men who take their wife's for granted would love that decree to be stated in this day and age. Even in the christian marriage things have change not so drastically, but equally, so that man is the head and the woman is standing at the side of her man, but GOD did not create women separately HE pulled us out of the rib of Adam. (Genesis 2:25) So now that Queen Vashti is no longer welcomed in the king's courts and the king was missing his beautiful queen whom he decreed to be gone from his sight now what shall he do? The King's advisers told him to make a search of the most beautiful virgin young women in the providence to become his queen. Now this process was like being in a beauty pageant for Donald Trump, but all inclusive benefits like perfuming, grooming and dressing the ladies for 12 months to prepare to be called before the king. (Esther 2:12)

As GOD always orchestrates things perfectly and HE used a humble Jewish man by the name of Mordecai who had a beautiful niece who he raised as his own was bought to the palace as per the edict proclaimed in the providence as many women were brought there as well. (Esther 7-8) Esther found favor with the gentleman who was overseeing the women with their treatments, and he made sure she received special food, beauty treatments, own attendants and a private quarters of her own in the palace. (Esther 9) Her beauty was used to her advantage as we all know can take you pretty far if used wisely. Mordecai has advised her not to reveal her nationality as being a Jew at that time was somewhat frowned upon to put it lightly. Her Uncle Mordecai was a man of faith and also rebellious when it came down to Haman the king's right hand man he would not bow down and that made Haman very upset and since Haman was an Agagite and Mordecai is a Benjaminite and their tribes have always been against each other. Haman then plotted to get rid of all Jews and Mordecai was aware tore off his clothes and put on sack cloth and ashes sent word to Esther about the destruction of their people. (Esther 4:1-17) Esther was in distressed when she found out what was going to be done, but she turned to her faith. Though "The Book of Esther" doesn't mention GOD at all, but they prayed and fasted for their breakthrough. When Esther completed her fast she asked her attendants to prepare her to see the king even though she has not been called to the courts for 30 days and no one was allowed to come into the king's court unless summoned. For Esther that was bold and courageous as she had to put her faith and believe that she will find favor in the king's eyes as she was preparing to invite the king and Haman to a banquet, so that she can expose Haman's plan.(Esther 5:1-8) Some of us know how the story ends, but for those who are not familiar Haman gets his just rewards, Queen Esther save the Jews, and Mordecai is honored by the among his people and all of the providence. As a Christian it takes a lot to be bold in the LORD, if the World can be bold about their beliefs why can't we? I LOVE THE LORD and I boldly say it in my Facebook, Twitter, text messages and even in this blog!!! If we get the opportunity to do something for GOD--HE will definitely set it up before you and all you have to do is walk through.

As GOD always orchestrates things perfectly and HE used a humble Jewish man by the name of Mordecai who had a beautiful niece who he raised as his own was bought to the palace as per the edict proclaimed in the providence as many women were brought there as well. (Esther 7-8) Esther found favor with the gentleman who was overseeing the women with their treatments, and he made sure she received special food, beauty treatments, own attendants and a private quarters of her own in the palace. (Esther 9) Her beauty was used to her advantage as we all know can take you pretty far if used wisely. Mordecai has advised her not to reveal her nationality as being a Jew at that time was somewhat frowned upon to put it lightly. Her Uncle Mordecai was a man of faith and also rebellious when it came down to Haman the king's right hand man he would not bow down and that made Haman very upset and since Haman was an Agagite and Mordecai is a Benjaminite and their tribes have always been against each other. Haman then plotted to get rid of all Jews and Mordecai was aware tore off his clothes and put on sack cloth and ashes sent word to Esther about the destruction of their people. (Esther 4:1-17) Esther was in distressed when she found out what was going to be done, but she turned to her faith. Though "The Book of Esther" doesn't mention GOD at all, but they prayed and fasted for their breakthrough. When Esther completed her fast she asked her attendants to prepare her to see the king even though she has not been called to the courts for 30 days and no one was allowed to come into the king's court unless summoned. For Esther that was bold and courageous as she had to put her faith and believe that she will find favor in the king's eyes as she was preparing to invite the king and Haman to a banquet, so that she can expose Haman's plan.(Esther 5:1-8) Some of us know how the story ends, but for those who are not familiar Haman gets his just rewards, Queen Esther save the Jews, and Mordecai is honored by the among his people and all of the providence. As a Christian it takes a lot to be bold in the LORD, if the World can be bold about their beliefs why can't we? I LOVE THE LORD and I boldly say it in my Facebook, Twitter, text messages and even in this blog!!! If we get the opportunity to do something for GOD--HE will definitely set it up before you and all you have to do is walk through.
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the
Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family
will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position
for such a time as this?”~ Esther 4:14