Okay, so were in 24 days in January and in our New Years Resolutions, if you’ve once again made the pledge to yourself to be kinder, wiser, and finally LOSE WEIGHT!! Some of us are coming off the 21 Day Fast aka Daniel Fast and some have dropped off the wagon fast, but whichever one it is “Congratulations” or GET BACK on that wagon the fight isn’t over!!! As for myself I just came off a 1500 calorie diet that my sister suggested and I have to thank her because I was able to lose three pounds in two weeks, so kudos to me for sticking it out. I used an App on my phone called “Lose It” which has an online site as well, so you can track your food intake. It was very handy on my phone because I stopped and inputted everything I put in my mouth, but also made me aware of the things I may have wanted to eat, but second guessed depending on the calories. One of many treasures I found was Ghirardelli has a dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds that’s only 190 calories (serving size of 3 pieces) and really good since I'm a chocoholic, but the jury is out on the % on the cacao, so use to your discretion.
Lose It App available Marketplace on iphone and Android phones.
This whole process was to help myself do a trial of http://www.blogger.com/www.medifast1.com%20 a weight loss program my Brother-In-Law tried and had success in losing the weight he so desired. I’m two days in and as I’m writing this it isn’t time for dinner nor a dessert yet—which in all honesty I just might have bump up the snack while I’m patiently waiting for dinner to be served which tonight is a turkey salad with spinach (Lean and Green). On second thought I’ll just drink my water and use willpower for a change instead of falling victim to my flesh. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” ~ Romans 8:5 New International Version (NIV) I don’t want to sound as I’m diet hopping at this point I’m trying to jump start the process and then settle in healthy habits. I have finally decided to do the Clean Diet http://eatcleandiet.com/and Bob Greene’s http://www.blogger.com/www.thebestlife.com
This time around I’m motivated, but I know I have to keep encouraging myself that I’m capable to do it and learn to “Eat to live rather than Live to eat” I have the potential to do this by the grace of God. Let me tell you, if I can do this YOU definitely can do this. I have a weakness for GOOD food and chocolate is my downfall. Last week Oprah and Dr. Oz were featuring weight loss segments and that ignited the fire and motivation to do it FOR REAL this time. My mother’s side of the family has a record of the women dying young and I don’t want to be one of them. We have the knowledge and the tools to assist us to live healthy lifestyles and we should take advantage of it. So I’m going to make my journey spiritually, mentally, and physically transparent to you I will be sharing my highs and my lows and if you need an encouraging word email me and we can keep each other on track.
God Bless You and Pray for me.